Board of Directors Meetings
Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held the fourth (4th) Tuesday of each calendar month. The November and December meetings shall be combined and held on the third Tuesday in the month of November of each calendar year but are subject to change based on availability (see calendar below for exact dates and times).
The starting time for the Regular Meeting Open Session Agenda shall be 1:00 p.m.
Prior to the 1:00 p.m. Open Session there may be a Closed Session that is closed to the public for the purpose of discussing confidential matters as allowed by law. The starting time of each Closed Session shall be determined by the General Manager after conferring with District Counsel and the Board President regarding the estimated time necessary to adequately discuss the agenda items. The Closed Session agenda items and starting time will then be published on the Regular Meeting agenda. Prior to adjourning to the Closed Session, there shall be a public comment period to allow interested members of the public the opportunity to comment only on those items on the Closed Session agenda.
The Regular Meeting Open Session will not start before 1:00 p.m. A second public comment period will be held at the beginning of Open Session to allow interested members of the public an opportunity to directly address the Board on any item of interest to the public.
All regular meetings will be conducted in the Board Room of the District at 3707 Old Highway 395, Fallbrook, California 92028. The date, time and place of the regular Board meetings shall be reconsidered at least annually at any organizational meeting of the Board.
Agendas for all Regular Board meetings are posted at least seventy-two hours prior to the meeting on a bulletin board outside of the District office.
Special Board meetings may be called as needed. Agendas for Special Board meetings are posted at least twenty-four hours prior to the meetings.
Minutes of the Board meetings are taken and presented to the Board for approval. Only after minutes are approved by the Board of Directors are the minutes of a meeting considered final. The most recent approved minutes are included on the meetings below.
There are also audio recordings taken of the meetings and will be available after the draft minutes of the meeting have been prepared and until the minutes of such meeting are approved. Copies of recordings are available free to the public.