SDCWA Announcement on Water Quality Conditions at the Twin Oaks Valley Water Treatment Plant
On July 8, 2019, the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) publicly announcing the malfunction at the Twin Oaks Valley Water Treatment Plant in April that resulted in a citation on June 4 from the state Division of Drinking Water. The water in regional pipelines continued to be safe for all users due to additional treatment processes that are in place.
A very small amount of our customers receive water from this plant and water quality testing during and after the event did not indicate the presence of bacteria in the water, therefore SDCWA is reporting that no precautions need to be taken.
The Water Authority has also provided the following press release and FAQ sheet with more information regarding this incident. You can also go to their website to find out more details about the SDCWA Twin Oaks Plant citation.
Twin Oaks News ReleaseWater Quality FAQs