2016 Water and Wastewater Master Plan Update

At the April 26, 2016 Board Meeting the 2016 Water and Wastewater Master Plan Update was adopted by the Board of Directors. The purpose of the Master Plan Updates is to identify potential system deficiencies, confirm transmission main sizing and identify future capital improvement projects based on updated ultimate demand projections. The District's most recent water and wastewater master plans were prepared in 2006. There is the potential for a considerable amount of new development both within and outside the current District boundaries in the near future. The water and wastewater master plans serve as the basis for critical infrastructure decisions and capital fees. With the rising cost of imported water it is important for the District to develop local water sources to improve reliability and stabilize water rates. Most critical among the infrastructure decisions is to build a District-owned water reclamation plant and recycled distribution system, or continue to convey wastewater to the City of Oceanside. The master plans consider both existing, and ultimate, year 2030, conditions.
2016 Water and Wastewater Master Plan Update Final Master Plan Appendices