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Water Use Efficiency

Water is a valuable resource and a vital component of life.  Did you know that water plays an important part in every industry from farming and manufacturing products to producing energy? The economy would not exist as we know it today if there was not a dependable supply of imported water. Considering that the District's water supply is 100% imported, we must use our limited supply wisely.

Making Conservation a California Way of Life

In an ongoing effort to enhance water storage and supply in California, the State Water Resources Control Board (CA SWRCB) has adopted a new urban water use plan, Making Conservation a California Way of Life. The new state-mandated water-use efficiency standard changed its indoor water use goal from 55 to 47 gallons per capita per day (GPCD) for every urban water supplier in the state, effective Jan. 1, 2025. The water use efficiency standards apply to urban water suppliers, including Rainbow Water, and are used as a guide to create water budgets. The standard does not impact Rainbow Water customers, as it applies to the water providers, not individual consumers. Rainbow Water’s usage is well below the new per capita standard due to many years of conservation and falling water demands in the service area. The standard also excludes agricultural water demands, a key reason the standard does not impact Rainbow Water customers. The regulation requires Rainbow Water to report bi-annually on its measures to monitor water conservation practices. 

The result of the standard is long-term best practices to prepare communities for water shortages and reduce the need for emergency water reductions. Conservation programs are available to customers to allow for the efficient use of water and reduce water consumption. Understand how urban wate suppliers calculate customized urban water use objectives by viewing the fact sheet below.

SWRCB Making Conservation a California Way of Life Fact Sheet

Read below to find a program that best suits your needs.

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