California Friendly Plants
California Friendly Plants
Revive your garden or landscape by clearing out debris from old plants or areas that may have been impacted by dramatic heat. Enhance your landscape with colorful California Friendly and native plants that will allow you to stop wasting valuable water resources on grass. Look for new California Friendly plants on the Be Water Wise website to plan your project. Pick up some of the plants below at your local nursery to start your fall planting.
Medium Plants: Baja Fairy Duster, Bush Germander, California Lilac, Cleveland Sage, Lion's Tail, Mexican Bush Sage, Rosemary, and White Sage.
Large Plants: Arabian Lilac, Conebush, Grevillea, Manzanita, and Toyon.
Vines: Lilac Vine, Roger's Red Grapes, and Bougainvillea.
Ground Cover: Creeping Rosemary, Kurapia, Silver Carpet, Seaside Daisy, South African Daisy, Trailing Latana, and Yarrow.
Succulents: Aloe, Aeonium, Hens-and-Chicks, Live Forever, Red Yucca, and Rose Purslane
Did you know bats and beetles are pollinators? Support the ecosystem and help pollinators when you plant native plants. Identify more ways to improve your garden including a list of plants on the WaterSmart website.