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Crop Conversion Program

Join the CropSWAP Interest List

May contain: Olive orchard on hillside with blue sky

Rainbow MWD is engaging with community members to survey participation in a regional expansion of a crop conversion program in partnership with neighboring water districts. Have you considered whether changing out one agricultural crop for another is right for you? The CropSWAP is a crop conversion program designed to replace high-water-use groves with a water-saving crop or more efficient avocado rootstock reduce costs and water usage for farmers. The grand-funded program has been successful for Rancho Water, and we are seeking interest from our ratepayers for future participation in a regional expansion of their program to be determind at a later time.



The interst list is open to all District ratepayers. More information to be followed as the program is in the research and planning stages through Rancho Water. The District will be working with surrounding north county agencies and Rancho Water to prepare a plan of action. Please sign up for the interest list for more information as we embark on this exciting opportunity to preserve our agricultural community.



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