CURRENT Water Shortage Conservation Order

In October, the Board of Directors unanimously voted to execute the Urban Water Shortage Contingency Plan and declared a Level One shortage in response to the Statewide Emergency due to drought. During a level one water shortage scenario agricultural users participating in the PSAWR Program will not receive a lower level of water service. Allocations for PSAWR customers apply only if a mandatory supply reduction level is established.
Water demand reduction actions implemented during a level one water shortage scenario include but are not limited to the following:
· Prohibit potable water usage outdoors that causes excessive runoff.
· Prohibit the use of hoses without a fitting/nozzle to shut off the flow of water when not in use. This does not apply to commercial growers and nurseries.
· Prohibit the use of potable water in fountains and other decorative water features except where the water is part of a recirculating system.
· Prohibit outdoor watering during or within a 48-hour measurable rainfall. This does not apply to commercial growers and nurseries.
· Prohibit the serving of drinking water at restaurants, hotels, cafes etc. unless by request.
· Prohibit the use of potable water for ornamental turf on public street medians.
· Limit residential and commercial landscape irrigation to no more than three (3) days per week. This also does not apply to commercial growers and nurseries.
To see the Level One reduction action details in full please click on the WSCP information below.