Right-of-Way Policy Adoption
At the October Board meeting, after much planning and review, the District’s Board approved the adoption of a Right-of-Way Policy to be incorporated into the District’s Administrative Code. This policy is a very important and essential tool to help the District administer the protection of over 700 miles of easements.
The Policy provides descriptions of allowed and not allowed uses in District easements. Examples of not allowed uses include trees, structures of any kind, concrete paved driveways, and fences. It also defines when an encroachment permit can be administered.
Homeowners please be aware of any District easements located on your property and help us to preserve them and keep them clear so that we can access and maintain our infrastructure. If you have any questions regarding easements or the Policy please feel free to contact the District’s Project Manager, Mr. Tamimi at (760) 728-1178. To review our Right-of-Way Policy click on the link below.
Right-of-Way Policy.pdf