Thoroughbred Lane Lift Station & Pipeline Project
Thoroughbred Lane Lift Station and Pipeline Project

Tripointe Homes (formerly Pardee Homes) is constructing over 500 homes in the Citro development east of I-15 and north of SR76 and Rainbow Municipal Water District will provide water and sewer service for these homes.
Improvements to the District’s infrastructure are required to accommodate the new homes and updating the sewer infrastructure will benefit these homes and future development.
The project includes the construction of a new sewer lift station at the corner of Thoroughbred Lane and SR76 and pipelines along SR76, Camino Del Rey, and Old River Road. Please see the map below for more details.

Construction Updates

The project began in Spring 2022 and in July 2024 the project completed the new sewer lift station and pipelines along SR-76, Camino Del Rey, and Old River Road. The project is a shared cost funded through developer capacity fees that support the District’s infrastructure. The $1.59 Million grant from the US House
Appropriations Committee helped tp fund the capitol improvement project. Once completed, Thoroughbred Lift Station will be the seventh lift station for the Rainbow Water service area.
For more information, please contact:
- Paul Mochel, Construction Project Manager, Valley Construction, 858-444-6804.
- Rainbow Water's Project Management Team, 760-728-1178 Ext. 210.
Project completed and began servicing the community in July 2024.