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Landscape Surveys

Commerical and Residential Landscape Surveys from Metropolitan Water District

Are you looking for an innovative way to improve water use efficiency for your home or business? For a limited time, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California is providing free in-person commercial large landscape surveys, and virtual or in-person indoor/outdoor residential surveys for properties in the Rainbow Water service area.

Commercial Surveys

Irrigation sprinklers watering plants with hills in the background.

A certified landscape auditor will conduct a comprehensive review of the irrigation system, including but not limited to: breaks, controllers,  drainage, leaks, irrigation scheduling, site conditions, system pressure, and valve functions. Participants will receive a written report that includes data collected during the survey with recommendations for site irrigation efficiency including system repairs, equipment updates, and irrigation scheduling. 

Residential Surveys

A landscaped garden with stone steps, flowering plants, and retaining walls.

The survey is free to residential customers and may be performed virtually or in-person with a homeowner or adult over 18. A phone or tablet is required for the virtual survey to allow photos or video with the survey auditor. The indoor evaluation will review indoor device make, model, age factor, and water use. The outdoor inspection will review the meter, check for leaks, and identify the irrigation system to evaluate zone or station information. The auditor will survey issues that contribute to higher water use, such as valve malfunctions, high or low pressure, sprinkler misalignment, poor draining, breaks and leaks, and runoff. A written report with data collected from the survey and rebate information will be provided to the customer. 

Surveys are conducted with assistance from the customer, and only one survey is available per property for the life of the program. The property must be located within Metropolitan’s service area for the water use survey. Funding for the program is limited, and surveys are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis..

For questions or assistance, please contact
Read more about the programs and apply online at Metropolitan Water District


Grower Surveys from Mission Resource Conservation District

A logo for "Mission Resource Conservation District" with a leaf and water droplet design.

Mission Resource Conservation District offers the Water Efficiency Technical Assistance Program (WETA), a free irrigation efficiency analysis for growers with or without wells. The WETA Program audit reviews pump efficiency and provides a complete analysis with eligibility for irrigation upgrades and farm improvements from the Natural Resource Conservation Service. 

A winding road through hilly terrain with rows of orchard trees under a clear sky.

The surveys provide customers with recommendations to improve outdoor landscape and indoor water use to reduce water waste and make their businesses, homes and properties more efficient. 

Surveys are conducted with assistance from the customer, and only one survey is available per property for the life of the program.  Funding for the grant program is limited to properties located within North San Diego County, and surveys are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. Take advantage and apply today.

Contact Mission Resource Convservation District at (760) 728-1332, Monday - Friday from 7:30 - 3:00 or complete the online form to sign up for an evaluation. Apply online for the WETA Program at  Mission Resource Conservation District

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